Rowntrees Agency

Not really an agency, perhaps a way to get your acts at a discount.

Ran by Pat Day, the agency booked its own clubs - Rowntrees Sound (Hanging Ditch), Top of the Town (Cross Street), Spring Gardens and Takis (Oxford St). I can remember Pat being pleased she had managed to get a pre-"Gin House" Amen Corner  for their usual low rates. Most groups at the clubs got between 15 and 25 pounds for the night.

On looking at an old contract, I spotted the following "The Artistes should arrive no later than 7 pm.  Should they arrive after this time, a reduction of $2 for every 15 mins will be made".  Remembering that they often tried to sling the band out of the club within minutes of the bar closing, it was somewhat unfeeling.

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