The Editors (Leigh)

Line-up included:

  • Terry Walters - lead/vocals (dec'd)
  • Roland Macready - rhythm
  • Barry Hill - drums 
  • Ian Simms - bass
  • John Derbyshire - drums, replaced Barry  (dec'd)
  • Derek Radcliffe
  • Alf Smith.


The Editors were led by Terry Walters who now forms part of the Bootles with Bernie Southern - formerly of the Pressmen , Concords and Night Train.

They formed in 65/66 - others in the line up were Ian Simms on bass, Barry Hill on drums later replaced by John ? and I'm almost sure Roland Macready was rythym guitar at one time. I'm sorry but i can't remember other members perhaps someone out there can fill the blanks in.

The Editors practised in the cellar of Terry's dad's shop 'Jimmy the TV Wizard' in Railway Road, Leigh.

Gary Woodward

Hi my name is Barry Hill and I was the original drummer of The Editors , the original lead singer of the band was John Derbyshire, I now live in Fleetwood Nr Blackpool

Barry Hill 30/10/13

Taken from a local newspaper cutting, 1964/65.

The Editors were one of the newest local beat groups, comprising of Barry Hill (17) of 19,Clarence Street, drums; Derek Radcliffe (17), of 96,Royal Drive, lead guitar; Ian Sims (16) of Warrington Road, rhythm guitar; John Darbyshire (17) of 39,Severn Street, lead singer; Alf Smith (17), of 8,Clarence Street, bass guitar. All the boys were friends at Manchester Road School and were all Beatles fans except Barry, who preferred The Hollies.

They practiced at the Union Arms, Butts Bridge, and their upcoming gig was in a show given by the Toc H at Hindley Borstal. Their equipment was reckoned to be worth £400 and the group were saving up for a van of their own.

The Editors’ manager was Gordon Seddon, who worked at the Cable Works and they had booking for every weekend for the next six weeks. The secretary of the newly formed Editors’ fan club was Carol Gillon, of 28, Guest Street.

Info courtesy Tony Owens 16/2/21

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