The Exits
Managed by Clive Kinder, The Exits were an excellent five-piece soul band from Moss Side, showing all the signs of "making it" until three members of the band were badly injured in a road crash.
A great show and a good sound. Fond memories of their shows at The Pop Inn and St. Francis's, Wythenshawe.
Members later became THE EXPECTATIONS
The Exits were a really great soul band I used to watch regularly at the youth clubs of south Manchester in the 60s. I booked them more than once for St Anthonys Youth Club, Woodhouse Park, Manchester.
There was a great set of groups at the time Phoenix City Smash Band, Rumble Fat Band etc and for a couple of bob kids from 14-18 could get live soul music from 8 til 10.30 2/3 time a week if you wanted. There were real followings for each group and being black lads The Exits were always seen as very authentic soul sound even tho they didn't have the big brass sound of the Phoenix City (move over Commitments!!).
We were all devestated when we heard about the crash - they were good looking lads and with TV exposure could probably have gone far - - great memories!! The youth clubs sound 'naff' by todays standards - 'stages' were often boards on school benches that we put up and took down each night - but were great venues run my members with just a couple of Adults.
Terry Dowling was the great youh club figure in South Wythenshawe running the Fianna Phadriag Pipe Band and the youth club at 'St Ants', with drama groups and football teams. No alcohol - the odd keek trying to sell pills - but great places for kids to go and be safe an yet have a great time with great groups LIVE!!!!! We were right there with them blasting your ears and even on the 'stage' with them sometimes. When 'midnight hour' or RESPECT kicked the place errupted!
That was 'Big Society' and we could do with it back but there are precious few Terry Dowlings providing a safe venue for youngsters for over 20 years and never taking a penny for himself! So long as we covered our cost all was well. I think we typically paid about £50 for the groups!
Terry was always behind the scenes but without him and poeple like him that great soul scene in manchester just couldn't have flourished! As soon as were old enough - and even before -we 'graduated from St Ants and Cheadle Hulme Club to Twsited wheel and Sounds, Rowntrees and Blue Note so tho the big clubs had the reputation but they sure had help from the 'minnows'!!
Bill Hennessy 15/11/11
Hi, I used to know the Exits, infact my friend was going out with Manny (RIP), the lead singer. His brother Junior played the organ, John was the drummer and I can´t remember the name of the guitarist, A small guy. All of them went Ducy High. They were a great group. Very sadly Manny passed away at 18 years old in a car crash. Willard and another guy called Leroy who used to dance with them, fortunately survived the crash. They were coming home from a gig. I remember we were at the Top Ten Club at Belle Vue, on a Sunday evening. we were told about Manny dying (tragic Loss). The funeral was at the Albert Hall if I remember rightly. Very bright, decent guys with a lot of talent. They were just kids and sooo talented.
Susan Osman 24/3/12
I recall the had a yellow transit van, as we did ,and had a telephone on the dashboard, the old dial type. Didn't work of course. Just a pose...fantastic!!!!
Dave Buck Grysby Dyke 6/4/12
They played regularly at Bolton Palais on their special ‘teen nights’ .. no alcohol served! They were fantastic and had a huge following in Bolton. The Palais was packed when word was out that The Exits were playing.
Steven Yates 7/7/12
I watched the Exits at the TABERNACLE club Stockport. They were a great soul covers band. The guitarist was a guy called ( I believe WILF) he was a similar age to me and he said he lived in Moss Side. I went to a party at his house but unfortunately I cannot remember much about it (It. was more a series of house parties in the same road) I met him many years later in Piccadilly gardens with his son ( by that time I would be about 30 and awaiting the birth of my first child) WILF's son was about 12/13 I would guess.
One of the lads I knocked around with then was called Stewart Robinson who followed the band around, what is now greater Manchester and he told me of the death of the lead singer. Which was a great shock as I said we were all of a similar age.
Phil (Bomber) Lancaster 3/2/14
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