Nightboppers (Atherton)

info courtesy Dave Peacock


  • Jim Anderton - guitar
  • Ray Sale - drums
  • Eddie Hitchen - bass
  • Dave Peacock - vocals
  • Dennis Taylor - sax
  • Johnny Sharples - lead



(left to right) Dennis Taylor; Sax, Kneeling in front of him Jim Anderton, Drums, Ray Sale, Kneeling centre Dave Peacock Standing on right Eddie Hitchen on Bass and finally Johnny Sharples Lead Guitar.


The Nightboppers evolved from an Atherton skiffle group called the Pythons, formed by Atherton cousins, Roy Hilton and Keith Halliwell and later became the Nightboppers and before disbanding were backing band for Adam Faith on two gigs.

After various membership changes in 1959 mainly through the efforts of bass player Eddie Hitchen and drummer Ray Sale, Dave Peacock became lead vocalist in late 1959 and they were asked to perform many times in Liverpool during 1961 with several top Merseyside bands including the BEATLES on the 18th of February 1961 and the 11th of March 1961 at Aintree Institute Liverpool.

  • Dennis Taylor has lived in South Africa since the seventies.
  • Jim Anderton sadly died in 1986.
  • Dave Peacock and John Sharples still live in Atherton Lancs.
  • Eddie Hitchen lives in Little Hulton and all are still good friends.








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